Developing original productions and
Showcasing the talent of minority artists since 1992
Danisar Productions, Inc. d.b.a. Danisarte is a not-for-profit 501-c3 award-winning bilingual company whose mission is to develop original productions to increase understanding among people of many cultures and nations developing and showcase the talents of minority artists. A springboard for many novice artists and an experimental company for seasoned performers, Danisarte has been a pioneering advocate for inclusion and racial equality and a leader in diversity, non-traditional, gender and color-blind casting since its inception in 1992.
Danisarte es una compañía bilingüe de teatro y video 501-c3 sin ánimo de lucro, cuya misión es desarrollar producciones en Inglés y Español,
como también descubrir y promover el talento artístico de las minorías.
Un trampolín para noveles artistas y una compañía experimental para desarrollar y presentar trabajos originales.
Danisarte ha sido pionera en abogar por la inclusión e igualdad racial y líder en diversidad y casting no tradicional desde su creación en 1992.

Danisarte is a not-for-profit 501C3,
& donations are appreciated
for the continuation of our artistic mission.
Just click the Donate button below
to use your credit card or paypal account.
Receipt and Fed. I.d. will be provided.

Calling all writers, poets, flamenco musicians & dancers!
Let your voice be heard—submit your work today
and be a part of Danisarte's Annual Lorca Festival!
- Submissions in English or Spanish

"Fade" by Tanya Saracho: With Director Alicia Kaplan
and Actors Nina Jackson and Frank Marz

Welcome to My World / Bienvenidos a mi Mundo
with / con Alicia
New Episodes / Nuevos Episodios 2024
Alicia Kaplan interviews the new Artistic Director of Gala Theatre
A warm, intimate and delightful conversation with Gustavo Ott who is also a renown playwright, journalist, and an Artistic Director first in Venezuela then in Dallas, Texas. In Spanish and English. The Award-Winning Gala Hispanic Theatre (Teatro Gala) was co-founded by Hugo Medrano and Rebecca Medrano in Washington D.C. almost fifty years ago. Alicia Kaplan remembers appearing as an actress in Gustavo's play "Divorciadas, Evangelicas y Vegetarianas" with Miriam Cruz, Marta de la Cruz, and directed by Luis Caballero at Margarita Toirac's Latin American Theatre Ensemble (El Porton del Barrio). Alicia performed with Gala co-starring with its Co-Founder and Producer Hugo Medrano in Santiago Moncada's "Cena para dos". She was later directed by Hugo Medrano in Lope de Vega's "El Rufian Castrucho".

Tesoros Escondidos/Hidden Treasures:
The Bob Baker Marionette Theater/Teatro De Marionetas
Los Angeles, CA
Celebrating Balam Dance Theatre's 45th Anniversary
Featuring Interviews And A Dance Performance!
"Pressburger Klezmer Band" with " Polka Loca" Klezmer band at Bohemian Hall, New York City!
Hawaiian Paradise/El Paraiso de Hawai:
Episode - Kilohana Hulu Show
Tesoros Escondidos / Hidden Treasures:
Los Angeles Disney Storybook History & Architecture
a new series / una serie nueva:
"Maestros de la Musica/Musical Masters"
Starring: Silas Bassa, Federico Berthet, Clara Cantore, Raul Davila, Adrian Gaspar, Dayramir Gonzalez,
Jorge Parodi, Fabian Veloz, Rodolfo Zanetti, Rafael Zolko & MORE!!!
Soliluna 2023
Tour of the 5 Boroughs
May 21 - June 24

SOLILUNA: a magical voyage thru 5 continents of the world is an interactive bilingual (Spanish/English) multicultural theatrical performance piece with international music which includes puppets which morph into actor/dancers, video-projections, original art and animation. It is based on folktales featuring the sun and the moon. This project is designed not only to entertain the whole family, but also to educate us about our similarities, cultural diversity, and the creativity of the human spirit.
Since the beginning of time, people created tales and stories that attempted to explain the sun and the moon. These folktales were passed down verbally from generation to generation, each culture having its own version. The principal characters in this piece, Sun and Moon, appear in the form of puppets, actor/dancers and animated characters as friends, siblings, spouses, heroes and villains in these folktales. Throughout the production there are two other actors that portray different characters that are puppets, actor/dancers and animated characters.
The five folktales that we have selected are from Nigeria, Spain, Tonga, India, and Mexico. They have been curated, adapted, and directed by Danisarte’s Producing Artistic Director Alicia Kaplan. The original artwork for the video was created by Panamanian/Venezuelan artist Leandro Comrie-Pepin, and the original puppets were created by Cuban/Puerto Rican artist Elaine Mendez-Torres.

This program is supported, in part, by Public Funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
Lorca’s Lasting Legacy Dramatic Concerts
Two unforgettable multi-media dramatic concerts featuring internationally acclaimed artists inspired by the iconic Spanish playwright, poet, and musician Federico Garcia Lorca, performing both traditional and original innovative dramatic musical selections.
El Legado perdurable de Lorca conciertos dramáticos
Dos Inolvidables conciertos dramáticos con multimedia, inspirados en la vida y obra del icónico escritor español Federico García Lorca. Con un elenco internacional de cantantes, músicos y bailarines, interpretando su obra de una manera tanto tradicional como moderna.

Amaya Arberas: Soprano from Spain
David Galvez: Guitarist from Peru
Dayramir Gonzalez: Composer/Pianist from Cuba
Inma Heredia: Spanish Show woman (Singer/Dancer/Actress)
Yuto Kanazawa: Jazz Guitarist from Japan
Tali Roth: Israeli Concert Guitarist
Shigeko Sara Suga : Dancer from Japan/Korea
Dandara Veiga: Ballet/Modern Dancer from Brazil
Balam Dance Theatre: Contemporary dance inspired by Balinese theatre, flamenco, and world dance with
Carlos Fittante & Barbara Romero

October/Octubre 29, 2022
Danisarte’s Celebration of our 30th year of existence
as well as our Founder and Producing Artistic Director
Alicia Kaplan’s Birthday
La Nacional
239 W. 14th Street, NYC

Lorca's Legacy /
el Legado de Lorca 2022
June/Junio 5th, 2022
La Nacional
239 W. 14th St,
NY, NY 10011
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
The Danza Duende Creative Workshop
Sundays May 15 • 22 • 29, 2022
The Julia de Burgos Cultural Center
1680 Lexington Avenue, New York City
This unique workshop will guide us, thru a series of acting and dance techniques and sequences, improvisation, and group sessions, to enable us to free our spirit and Duende and allow us the opportunity of freedom of expression and creation to transform us into joyful and inspired artists and people.

Welcome to My World / Bienvenidos a mi Mundo
with / con Alicia
Premiere of our Special Mother's Day Episode:
Remembering Ruth Antonofsky
Sunday, May 9th, 2021
11:00 am PST • 2:00 pm EST
"Remembering my Mama Ruth Antonofsky" is a tribute to Alicia Kaplan's mother, via a heartfelt short film and a recorded conversation between Alicia and Ruth interspersed with pictures about her life, her voyage from New York to Caracas, Venezuela, where she became an artist, her children and grandchildren, her return to New York, a second marriage to the love of her life, and a New York career in the entertainment field.
In 1992: Danisarte’s first acting workshop resulted in a production of a series of one-act plays entitled Almas Atormentadas (Anguished Souls). The following one-act plays were presented for eight performances at the Latin American Ensemble Theatre (then located on 104th Street in East Harlem): Los Mutantes by Jose Ruibal (Spain), La Puerta by Rolando Steiner (Nicaragua), Los Hermanos by Edilio Peña (Venezuela), Abuela y Nieta by Jacinto Benavente (Spain), Pañuelo para llorar by J.C. Ghiano (Argentina) and Papa Querido by A. Bortnik (Argentina). The actors were from Colombia, Curaçao, Santo Domingo, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Spain, and ranged in age from 17 to 65. This production, geared to the participants’ abilities and ages, was the result of a three-month comprehensive acting workshop. Directed by Alicia Kaplan.
In 2002: Danisarte held a bilingual playwriting workshop under the guidance of Carmen Rivera. Selected plays were developed in acting workshops and presented at the Julia de Burgos Latino Cultural Center during the series Los Nuevos Valores/The New Treasures Portraits of Passion/Retratos de pasión theatrical festival. Jose Nuñez, from the Dominican Republic, received an A.C.E. (an organization of Latino journalists and critics) nomination for his participation in one of the plays.
In 2003: Herencia de Amor y Sangre (A Legacy of Love and Blood) by Arnaldo Rodriguez, developed in Danisarte’s playwriting workshop, became the first play in Spanish to be presented at The Lower East Side Tenement Museum’s Theatre. Colombian actress Martha Alzate received an A.C.E. nomination for her role as the immigrant mother.
In 2005: La Asociación de Cronistas de Espectáculos (A.C.E.) honored Danisarte and its Producing Artistic Director Alicia Kaplan as the 2005 Theatrical Organization of the Year. Hector Luis Rivera was nominated for an A.C.E. Award as an Actor for his performance in Antesala de la Muerte (Waiting for Death) by local Dominican playwright Lucia Taveras, directed by Alicia Kaplan.
In 2006: a bilingual playwriting workshop under the direction of Cuban playwright Pedro Monge-Rafuls, script development, and acting workshops. The theatrical festival Ilusiones was held at the Julia de Burgos Latino Cultural Center and featured the plays Un Encuentro Fugaz (a farce to the beat of rumba rhythms) where literature and reality, represented by Don Quijote, Dulcinea, Sancho Panza, each with their own madness, confront each other…with unexpected circumstances), directed and choreographed by Alicia Kaplan (A.C.E. nominations for the Director and cast); and the play Detrás del Trapecio (by Juan Guzman), directed by Gloria Zelaya. It also featured several plays for children as well as music. Cristina Sanjuan received an A.C.E. Award for her portrayal of Dulcinea.
In 2008: Alicia Kaplan, Producing and Artistic Director received the Diplôme de Medaille d’Argent from the Societe Academique D’Education et D’Encouragement (the Academy of Arts and Sciences in France).
In 2009: Danisarte received its second A.C.E. Award as Theatrical Institution of the Year.
In 2012: Danisarte celebrated 20 years of cultural activities in East Harlem.
In 2013: Alicia appeared and accepted a special Recognition Award for Danisarte at the Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors’ (H.O.L.A.) and Premio Arte’s galas in New York. Alicia represented Danisarte at Pasadena’s Directors’ Workshop West, networking with several multicultural theatrical groups on the West Coast.
In 2014: Sonia Suarez Schwartz’ El Osito Manhattanero was selected as the best original children’s play by A.C.E. (2014). Medardo, con el alma en los labios (Medardo with his Soul on his Lips) by and starring Julio Ortega to be filmed in Ecuador.
In 2018: Danisarte was recognized by the A.C.E with a golden globe as an institution of artistic and cultural excellence.
In 2022: Danisarte presented its 30-Year Concert Celebration.
In 2023: Alicia receives Premio Talia’s Lifetime Achievement award Gilberto Zaldivar, and Danisarte’s 30th year Concert receives the award as Concert Production of the Year.
Danisarte is a not-for-profit 501C3,
and donations are appreciated
for the continuation of our artistic mission.
Our mailing address:
1 Union Square South, Suite 17M,
New York, N.Y. 10003
Receipt and Fed. I.d. will be provided.

PREMIOS A.C.E. 2005, 2009, 2015, &2018
Association of Latin Entertainment
Critics of New York Awards